Tuesday 26 April 2011

Snake? snake? SNAAAKKEE!

Those of you who know the Metal Gear solid Games will understand the title, and I have been lost for the past week just like Snake.
I haven't been out since Tuesday, blame the evil history essay which has been sucking my brain power and time!
Damn you History! but behold, I come forth after slaying the evil beast with my 5,000 words!
I will be updating all about my holidays soon, have lots of interesting things to write about, hope you have had a lovely time off too!!!!

Having to abstain from my blog, and reading all the lovely blogs i follow has made me realise how much I enjoy it, I missed it so much!!! And i missed my followers and lovely comments so much!!

So let's celebrate with some photos of my outfit laaast week...

Top- Primark
Leggings- Cheap shop
Boots- Dr Martens
Glasses- H&M
Necklace- Asda


  1. Lovely, from the hair to the shoes, lovely !

  2. Ouch, 5000 words! That would warrant hiding in a cardboard box for sure ;) x

  3. thank you very much ^^

  4. I love your blog, I follow you!



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