Monday 18 April 2011

I'm a Princess...

 well, that's what my necklace says! so OBV it must be true, kid's plastic necklaces NEVER lie. NEVER.

Playsuit- Asda
Jacket- Primark
Boots- Dr.martens
Bag- H&M
Necklace- Asda
Hair clip- Brighton
Keyring- Claires

It has been lovely weather this weekend and I have had a lovely time!
On Saturday I went to Thanet shopping and then on Sunday we took a trip to Ikea and the huuuge primark there.
I'm glad it's finally hot enough to start wearing alot more of my wardrobe! My mama bought me some lovely things including this new bag, was only £2.50 in H&M, another kid section buy :)
It's made out of the jelly plastic the same as kids jelly shoes and I obviously had to get the pink one!
My new hairclip is what my Grandad bought me in Brighton and I love how large the butterfly is that it really makes a statement in my hair!

I really need to do a 'what I have bought' ' What my lovely family have bought for me' post as I have so much new stuff from this holidays that I am dying to share with you guys!

Oh and If you have noticed my new design for this blog, what do you think?
I don't mind if you don't like it, Just want to know what you think/ if you prefer the old style!!!

Hope your all enjoying the sun!!


  1. oh, your blog is so lovely.
    I like your outfit too!
    Follow/comment and we'll follow back

  2. Such cute silly girl times! that bag is fab
    come say hello xxx Jazz

  3. I love your style !

  4. i love your style! and i love shopping in the kid's section...there's so much fun stuff to find!

  5. i loooooooooove your hair <3
    Ridge contrast with your outfit!


thoughts and queries...