Talking of theatres i may just have 3 trips booked up for next year...just maybe :) :D
first of all for my dad's birthday we are going to see Frankenstein at the National Olivier in London.
not only is it produced and directed by none other that DANNY BOYLE (yes slumdog millionaire, 28 days later etc.) but it stars Jonny Lee Miller and ...
wait for it.....
wait for it....
wait for it...
seriously it's worth it.......
yes, I know I will be in the SAME ROOM as the brilliant actor which anyone who has watched Sherlock will know, and LOVE <3
I had been talking about it for aaaagees, we were waiting for the tickets to be released as we love the actors, the storyline and my bro is a VERY BIG Danny Boyle fan, and after not much deliberation managed to book tickets AT THE FRONT! woop!
My second theatre trip already booked is to see Lover Never Dies at the Adelphi Theatre, follow up to Phantom Of the Opera which is just my favourite show EVER, and do know all the words and listen to the whole show on my ipod most mornings when walking to school <3
Just a bit of a Phantom geek ...
(and btw I wish I was Christine but I sooooo would of chosen Phantom, with his candlelit, golden dungeon, so much more exciting!)
I already have the Love Never Dies soundtrack and SURPRISE SURPRISE already know all the songs /words so I just can't wait for that! And it's for my Grandma's Birthday which means all the family are coming, and I love going to the Theatre with my Grandma as she shares my passion for scenery, costume and all things magical <3
The last show I am booked to see is slightly different, but all you comic book fans out there will be jealous, as I am going to see...

Its the Batman LIVE tour that is Starting across Britain and we're seeing it for my Bro (seriously mad comic book, marvel and Batman fan) 's birthday at the 02 Arena in London...
Not only that but my mum, being my mum, didn't want to sit up high above it all so booked priority seats INSIDE THE REVOLVING GOTHAM CITY, yes i am sitting in GOTHAM CITY and its gonna REVOLVE!!!
Haha anyway, I'm just tooo excited for next year and those marvelous things but have just realised none of that is wardrobe/clothing related so...
bonus picture of these cool sockies I got for Christmas, they are REINDEERS! and so fluffy but make my toes look like monkeys and the bells made my dad think we had a cat in the house,,,, oh I wish <3
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