Sunday, 22 May 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho.... it's off to the hairdressers we go...

Attempted a nautical/ 50's look on Thursday, not usually what I go for, and instead I ended up looking like THIS.

Top- Matalan
Shorts- H&M
Tights- Primark
These are all pcitures after I'd had my hair cut, you cant see but i've had it cut very short and like a flat top on top rather than all fluffy ( you can see best in the first one)
I just put my hair into a scarf before I went to the Haridressers... (be warned, FACE SPAM!)

And with my Harrington on, which I never include in my outfit photos, but is my 'go to' coat if in a rush or just cold!
  I only have 1 WEEK left at school!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOP! Havn't really been going in anyway..... but it will make it official!
I went out clubbing ( SHOCK HORROR) on Friday, Not my thing really and I was the only person in the club in tights... ( silver lurex ones and my Yellow Docs <3) but I went with a few firends and had such a good night, got overexcited when I actually knew a song that came on( apprently they don't play Disney/Musical songs :( shame, I was well in the mood for a bit of MULAN haha)  and even got up on a podium to dance LOL 

My mum got two more piercings done last weekend, which means that she has now beaten me as she's on 12!!  I only have 10 :( MAJOR SADFACE. but it's ok because obviously I now HAVE to get more done...ooooh what  a shame haha! :)  

Can't wait for next weekend, not going out because I've got MCM EXPO on Saturday!!!
 ( Yes I am an ultimate geek, not going out at the end of school becuase I am cosplaying the next day! ) SOOOO EXCITED, Painting my leotard as we speak, (type & read) Then I'm off to Edinburgh next Sunday for a city break, CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

What's everyone else been up to????


  1. Your tights and boots are so cool :D

  2. The boots are savage my dear!

    Also, I compete with my mam for piercings too! Well, at least I did for awhile. I have outstripped her now on the piercing/ tats front but she was beating me for an embarrassing length of time!



thoughts and queries...